Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rally and Race

MARINE CORPS MARATHON! My Bestie, Ellen came in town from Nashville to run it with me. It was A great way to spend Halloween, my favorite holiday. And in typical Musgrave Fashion, barely qualifyed, but did qualify for Boston in 3:40:12 on the 10th of a second!

And Here is Sandra Bullock cheering on her sister. Ben tried to sell this picture to US WEEKLY, but for some reason this "I'm just like you," casually clad celeb shot didn't make the cut, but this one did?!

Rally to Restore Sanity was on 10/30/10. Ben, Brother, and I walked 3 miles to get a taxi to the National Mall. I did not see or hear Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert.

Brother Matthew dressed as a Tea-Bagger, yes that is what you think it is.

And here was a cute poochie dressed as a shark. The rally is really speaking to him.



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